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Séminaire UIT / ARTAC à Douala

La capitale économique du Cameroun accueille du 07 au 10 novembre 2023, un séminaire sur le thème : Fonds de Service Universel, qualité de service (QoS) et utilisation des plateformes sur régulation numérique.

Cet important séminaire est coorganisé par l'Union Internationale des Télécommunications (UIT) et l'Assemblée des Régulateurs des Télécommunications de l'Afrique...


Ministerial and Parliamentary Seminar

Ministerial and Parliamentary Seminar: 17 October, 2023 at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel, Republic of Cameroon. 

Open to all Ministers of Government, members of parliament, and senior representatives of the ICT sector, this seminar will explain the imperatives for digital transformation, the preconditions and requirements of an enabling environment and the availability of appropriate technologies and effective adoption of ICT.


Digital Week Cameroon 2023

16 October 2023
Executive Committee

A closed meeting, the CTO Executive Committee will review recommendations for consideration of the Council concerning the CTO’s strategies and policies; draft budget, workplan, annual report and business plans prior to submission of the 61st Council.

16 October 2023
Women’s Forum

The Women’s Forum will highlight the socio-economic gains made by women using technologies in both urban and rural settings. The...