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The Board of Directors, made up of twelve (12) members, is presided over by a personality appointed by decree of the President of the Republic. It includes apart from the President of the Board, tthe following members:

  • one (1) representative of the Presidency of the Republic;
  • one (1) representative of the Prime Minister’s office;
  • one (1) representative of the Ministry of Telecommunications;
  • one (1) representative of the Ministry of Defence;
  • one (1) representative of the Ministry of Finance;
  • one (1) representative of the Ministry of Justice;
  • one (1) representative of the
  • one (1) representative of the Ministry of Communications ;
  • one (1) representative of the National Agency of Communications Information Technologies;
  • one (1) representative of the personnel of the Board;
  • one (1) representative of users or beneficiaries of electronic communications services

    The members of the Board of Directors are appointed by decree of the President of the Republic, on proposition of administrations and socio-professional organisations to which they belong;
    Members of the Board of Directors are appointed for a term of three (3) years, renewable once.

    The Board of Directors meet in ordinary session at least twice (2) a year on convocation of its president, of which once (1) to vote the budget and once (1) to settle on the annual financial statements and examine the running of the company.

Transaction tarification by mobile money for 3rd quarter 2017